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Posts tagged “Rachel Kramer Bussel

Let’s talk about sex—and cupcakes

The book Best Sex Writing 2012 is available at Booksmith.

Readings from a compilation of the best sex-related writings

Sex, sex and more sex was the topic of discussion for the night as authors from the anthology Best Sex Writing 2012 read snippets of their published work at Booksmith‘s event “Cupcakes and Best Sex Writing,” last night.

Thomas Roche talking to fans.

Heated provocative passion lured in an audience so big that the chairs set up were just not enough! With all seats taken the true die-hard erotica fanatics stood the entire hour and a half for their audible satisfaction.The night consisted of humorous writings that aroused laughter as well as atheistical thoughts on sex that turned on discussion all while enjoying cupcakes from Let’s Cupcake.

The book is a collection of writings that were compiled by sex columnist Rachel Kramer Bussel and fellow “Sexpert” Susie Bright. Through an extensive search, they surfaced pieces that they thought to be entertaining and thought-provoking just to raise that level of awareness to their readers.

“I like that the audience was talking back,” said Bussel. “I consider the book to be a discussion starting point. I don’t necessarily think that it’s a decree of ‘you should think this.’ ”

Thomas Roche, Greta Christina, Rachel Kramer Bussel and Tracy Clark-Flory

Bussel explained that this was her third reading at Booksmith, and that this was probably the most “lively,” and she appreciates that. Bussel said that they chose pieces that were humorous and also political and felt that tonight’s readings were fitting for the San Franciscan’s of the Haight.

Among the readers panel were of course Bussel and Bright, but also Thomas RocheTracy Clark-Flory and Greta Christina.

Susie Bright signing books for fans.

Roche read from his piece entitled Men Who ‘Buy Sex’ Commit More Crimes: Newsweek, Trafficking, and the Lie of Fabricated Sex Studies which is a media criticism of research methods used to write articles on men and prostitution.

Clark-Flory then read her piece, The Worship of Female Pleasure which is a feature-type article of her experience with a woman whose business offers demonstrations and lessons on how to properly satisfy a woman.

The authors take time to answer audience's questions

Christina was the last reader for the night and she read from her piece Atheist’s Do It Better: Why Leaving Religion Leads to Better Sex—which from the title is self-explanatory.

After each reader, the audience was accepting and excited to have heard and experienced the words straight from the writer’s mouth. The evening was full of laughter, sensual tension and open discussion.

Bussel has a few more dates with the book. She is headed to Santa Cruz, Berkley and New York. She says that the night was great and she enjoys the warm welcoming from Booksmith and will possibly come back in a year or so when the next book is released.

“Every time it’s been a really great crowd with really good energy,” says Bussel. “I will definitely come back to Booksmith.”